Friday Art Club at Stirchley LibraryIn January 2020 we were awarded funding from the Postcode Community Trust to run a free fortnightly art club for adults at Stirchley Library, with support from Friends of Stirchley Library.
Stirchley Art Room has a long term ambition to provide a welcoming and supportive community art space for people with all levels of confidence, ability & experience to drop into and develop their skills, and meet new people. Our Friday Art Club aimed to provide as much of those opportunities as possible, on a part time basis, in the familiar space of the library.
In January 2020 we were awarded funding from the Postcode Community Trust to pursue this idea and provide a free drop-in art club for adults at Stirchley Library. The club started running with support from Friends of Stirchley Library (FoSL) in February, and was a great success!
Inevitably, lockdown and the temporary closure of the library meant we had to come up with a Plan B fairly quickly - which resulted in our very successful and exciting Quarantine Art Club. We owe huge thanks to the Postcode Community Trust for allowing organisations to change the way funding is used in these exceptional circumstances.
Thanks to everyone who came along to Friday art club - we hope to be able to resume all of our activities at the library very soon.